Subscription and pricing
In gratitude to all our users, the service is offered in its basic version for free to all private users until the summer of 2025 (up to the usage limits of the Test/Trial subscription). Notification of the billing will be given separately.
Trial (2024)
All new customers start using the service with a free trial period. The trial period lasts for 14 days. Towards the end of the trial period, a subscription should be made, and a suitable package for continuing the service should be selected. Trial content and settings are retained for new package. (Free for private users until summer 2025, meaning the trial period will be extended until May-June).
Subscription packages
Our subscription packages are designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. Usage is monitored based on the number of images (#), their original size (MB), and their monthly intake. In other words, all images received during the period are counted. Additionally, we keep track of total storage usage. By managing image automatic deletion time, it's easy to ensure that capacity limits are not exceeded. (Images you wish to retain are secure if designated as favorites.)
As an example, we anticipate that the majority of users will opt for either the BASIC or HEAVY package. The BASIC package accommodates up to 4000 new images per month, with a maximum total size of 2 GB. Reserved continuous storage limit is also 4000 images and 2 GB of data.
Should you exceed this limit, you'll receive a notification, and for a limited time, a 5% excess is tolerated. If this threshold is surpassed, existing images are retained, but no new images can be accepted into the service until the repository is cleaned or the package is upgraded to a larger one.
Our prices are net prices, which include local VAT when applicable.
Below initial consumer pricing, to be updated before free trial period ends
(Companies and special needs please contact Us)
You can select packages on Zeemage's homepage under "modify/add subscription." However, payments and recurring subscriptions are managed through STRIPE. Invoices and credit card charges may show Stripe and/or Resolutio Nova/Zeemage. VAT/Tax calculation follows Stripe's rules, requiring some information collection.
We report our sales and VAT to authorities, with Stripe providing the necessary reports. Rest assured, we only use Stripe data for compliance purposes.