from camera feed to control room experience
Login and registration with Google/Apple account
After registration you get your personal Zeemage feed-email address -- all images send from any camera to this address appear on your account in the service. Images are mapped to cameras based on keywords or additional email addresses.
Service is free for time being - As a gift to Our users, service will be free until summer 2025
Zeemage is the leading cloud software platform for remote IP and trail camera picture and video viewing, storing and analyzing. Zeemage can be used on several mobile, computer and TV platforms. All email capable cameras are supported, also mms to email!
Core features
-Gallery for pictures and videos
-Control room view for pictures and videos
-Picture analysis using latest technology
-Image notifications to both mobile and computer
-Advanced statistics
-Advanced picture sharing among users
Supported cameras
-Any camera able to send images via email or MMS
-Most of camera brands
-Several email delivery options supported
-Mobile (Android, iOS etc.)
-Computer (Windows, MacOS, Linux etc.)
-TV (Android, WebOS, Tizen etc.)
Security camera
Trail camera
Farm camera
access your security camera feed
images and analysis of your hunting grounds
follow your livestock and pets