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Control room​

Control Room view (along with Gallery view) is the main view within Zeemage. As Gallery provides a snapshot of images based on default or user specific filtering, Control Room follows image feed in real time and updates the view immediately. 

Content of control room can be customized in settings.

Control room has a timer. If user has been passive for 60 minutes in the control room view, active image feed ceases. Timer can be refreshed at any point and the feed will un-freeze.

Control room - controls

From Control Room user can move to

  • Control Room Settings & Selecting predefined views. Earlier defined saved views can be selected, or new views can be defined for PC & mobile use. Control room view has 1-4 "cells" horizontally and 1-4 cells vertically. User can select a camera for each cell - and how recent of an image to show on each cell. 

  • Full size view by selecting an image. From there user can return to control room or proceed to Gallery, where the selected image is used as base for Gallery search, Gallery view opens with filter "all images of selected camera from the last week". 

Control room - select view and settings 

Default view in new account for control room is one camera view with most recent image from any camera. 

User can define multiple views and select what is default for PC and Mobile.

In each view there is maximum of 4 x 4 cells to where camera feed can be received. When modifying an existing view, or creating a new one, user has to 

  • Select the layout of the room, e.g. 2 x 3 (2 rows, 3 columns (total 6 cells) 

  • Select if the view is default for Mobile/PC (or both) 

  • Select if non-image feeds are shown on a cell 

  • Select for each cell a camera and a sequence number. Camera i.e. a specific camera or any camera; and a sequence number, which defines which image from feed is to be presented, e.g. "Any camera and #5" in a cell means that this cell presents 5th most recent image from any camera (all cameras).

Default view can not be deleted, there always has to be  a defined default view for PC and Mobile. If user wants to remove an existing default view, other view has to be named as a default first. 

It is possible to store a maximum of 12 views. 


Control room - single image view


To study a specific image in detail, by selecting an image it can be opened in full screen. 


​From there, Gallery view can be opened to study the specific camera feed from the last

week in more detail.

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